Solarize SX


  1. VPL INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE DIV 1 - PC Ranking - Virtual Pro League VPL.
  2. The classes in this section perform various data augmentation operations. Kornia provides Torchvision-like augmentation APIs while may not reproduce Torchvision, because Kornia is a library aligns to OpenCV functionalities, not PIL.
  3. VPL INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE DIV 1 - PC Ranking - Virtual Pro League VPL.

Precision colors for machines and people Solarized is a sixteen color palette (eight monotones, eight accent colors) designed for use with terminal and gui applications. It has several unique properties. I designed this colorscheme with both precise.

The Noise COMP generates a variety of noise patterns based on the selected noise type. More information about how the noise patterns are calculated can be found on this blog by Brian Sharpe.

Parameters - Noise Page

HelpHelp - Opens this page.

VersionVersion - Current version of this COMP.

TypeType - - The noise function used to generate noise. The functions available are:

  • Value 2Dvalue2d -
  • Value 3Dvalue3d -
  • Value 4Dvalue4d -
  • Perlin 2Dperlin2d -
  • Perlin 3Dperlin3d -
  • Perlin 4Dperlin4d -
  • Value Perlin 2Dvalueperlin2d -
  • Value Perlin 3Dvalueperlin3d -
  • Cubist 2Dcubist2d -
  • Cubist 3Dcubist3d -
  • Cellular 2Dcellular2d -
  • Cellular 3Dcellular3d -
  • Polkadots 2Dpolkadot2d -
  • Polkadots 3Dpolkadot3d -
  • Stars 2Dstars2d -
  • Simplex Perlin 2Dsimplexperlin2d -
  • Simplex Polkadot 2Dsimplexpolkadot2d -
  • Simplex Cellular 2Dsimplexcellular2d -
  • Simplex Perlin 3Dsimplexperlin3d -
  • Simplex Cellular 3Dsimplexcellular3d -
  • Simplex Polkadots 3Dsimplexpolkadot3d -
  • Hermite 2Dhermite2d -
  • Hermite 3Dhermite3d -
  • Value Hermite 2Dvaluehermite2d -
  • Value Hermite 3Dvaluehermite3d -

DerivativeDerivative - Calculates the derivative of certain noise function.

AmplitudeAmp - Defines the noise value's amplitude (a scale on the values output).

OffsetOffset - Defines the midpoint color of the noise pattern, the default is 0.5 grey.

TranslateT - - The Translate, Rotate, Scale and Pivot parameters let you sample in a different part of the 3D noise space. Imagine a different noise value for every XYZ point in space. Normally, the Noise CHOP samples the noise space from (0,0,0) along the X-axis in steps of 2/period. /tx /ty /tz /rx /ry /rx /sx /sy /sz /px /py /pz

By changing the transform, you are translating, rotating and scaling the line along which the Noise CHOPs samples the noise space. A slight Y-rotation is like walking in a straight path in the mountains, recording your altitude along the way, then re-starting from the same initial location, walking in a slightly different direction. Your altitude starts off being similar but then diverges.

Translate 4DT4d - When using a 4D noise type, this applies a translation to the 4th coordinate. The previous transformation parameters do not affect the 4th coordinate.

Blend ValueBlend - Sets blend value for Value Perlin 2D and Value Perlin 3D.

Clamp MinClampmin - Sets the clamp minimum for Cubist 2D and Cubist 3D Noise.

Clamp MaxClampmax - Sets the clamp maximum for Cubist 2D and Cubist 3D Noise.

ScaleS - - The Translate, Rotate, Scale and Pivot parameters let you sample in a different part of the 3D noise space. Imagine a different noise value for every XYZ point in space. Normally, the Noise CHOP samples the noise space from (0,0,0) along the X-axis in steps of 2/period. /tx /ty /tz /rx /ry /rx /sx /sy /sz /px /py /pz

Solarize Southeast Pa

By changing the transform, you are translating, rotating and scaling the line along which the Noise CHOPs samples the noise space. A slight Y-rotation is like walking in a straight path in the mountains, recording your altitude along the way, then re-starting from the same initial location, walking in a slightly different direction. Your altitude starts off being similar but then diverges.

Scale 4DS4d - When using a 4D noise type, this changes the scale of 4th coordinate.

Radius MinRadiusmin - Sets the minimum radius of the points in Stars 2D, Simplex Polkadot 2D and Simplex Polkadot 3D.

Radius MaxRadiusmax - Sets the maximum radius of the points in Stars 2D, Simplex Polkadot 2D and Simplex Polkadot 3D.

ProbabilityProbability -

DimnessDimness - Sets the Dimness for the points in Stars 2D, Simplex Polkadot 2D and Simplex Polkadot 3D.

ValueValue - Sets the Value for Value Hermite 2D and Value Hermite 3D.

GradientGradient - Sets the Gradient for Value Hermite 2D and Value Hermite 3D.

NormalizationNormalization - Sets the Normalization for Value Hermite 2D and Value Hermite 3D.

Pixel FormatFormat - - Format used to store data for each channel in the image (ie. R, G, B, and A). Refer to Pixel Formats for more information.

  • Use Inputuseinput - Uses the input's pixel format.
  • 8-bit fixed (RGBA)rgba8fixed - Uses 8-bit integer values for each channel.
  • sRGB 8-bit fixed (RGBA)srgba8fixed - Uses 8-bit integer values for each channel and stores color in sRGB colorspace.
  • 16-bit float (RGBA)rgba16float - Uses 16-bits per color channel, 64-bits per pixel.
  • 32-bit float (RGBA)rgba32float - Uses 32-bits per color channel, 128-bits per pixels.
Solarize SX
  • 10-bit RGB, 2-bit Alpha, fixed (RGBA)rgb10a2fixed - Uses 10-bits per color channel and 2-bits for alpha, 32-bits total per pixel.
  • 16-bit fixed (RGBA)rgba16fixed - Uses 16-bits per color channel, 64-bits total per pixel.
  • 11-bit float (RGB), Positive Values Onlyrgba11float - A RGB floating point format that has 11 bits for the Red and Green channels, and 10-bits for the Blue Channel, 32-bits total per pixel (therefore the same memory usage as 8-bit RGBA). The Alpha channel in this format will always be 1. Values can go above one, but can't be negative. ie. the range is [0, infinite).
  • 16-bit float (RGB)rgb16float -
  • 32-bit float (RGB)rgb32float -
  • 8-bit fixed (Mono)mono8fixed - Single channel, where RGB will all have the same value, and Alpha will be 1.0. 8-bits per pixel.
  • 16-bit fixed (Mono)mono16fixed - Single channel, where RGB will all have the same value, and Alpha will be 1.0. 16-bits per pixel.
  • 16-bit float (Mono)mono16float - Single channel, where RGB will all have the same value, and Alpha will be 1.0. 16-bits per pixel.
  • 32-bit float (Mono)mono32float - Single channel, where RGB will all have the same value, and Alpha will be 1.0. 32-bits per pixel.

Solarize Sc

  • 8-bit fixed (RG)rg8fixed - A 2 channel format, R and G have values, while B is 0 always and Alpha is 1.0. 8-bits per channel, 16-bits total per pixel.
  • 16-bit fixed (RG)rg16fixed - A 2 channel format, R and G have values, while B is 0 always and Alpha is 1.0. 16-bits per channel, 32-bits total per pixel.
  • 16-bit float (RG)rg16float - A 2 channel format, R and G have values, while B is 0 always and Alpha is 1.0. 16-bits per channel, 32-bits total per pixel.
  • 32-bit float (RG)rg32float - A 2 channel format, R and G have values, while B is 0 always and Alpha is 1.0. 32-bits per channel, 64-bits total per pixel.
  • 8-bit fixed (A)a8fixed - An Alpha only format that has 8-bits per channel, 8-bits per pixel.
  • 16-bit fixed (A)a16fixed - An Alpha only format that has 16-bits per channel, 16-bits per pixel.
  • 16-bit float (A)a16float - An Alpha only format that has 16-bits per channel, 16-bits per pixel.
  • 32-bit float (A)a32float - An Alpha only format that has 32-bits per channel, 32-bits per pixel.
  • 8-bit fixed (Mono+Alpha)monoalpha8fixed - A 2 channel format, one value for RGB and one value for Alpha. 8-bits per channel, 16-bits per pixel.
  • 16-bit fixed (Mono+Alpha)monoalpha16fixed - A 2 channel format, one value for RGB and one value for Alpha. 16-bits per channel, 32-bits per pixel.
  • 16-bit float (Mono+Alpha)monoalpha16float - A 2 channel format, one value for RGB and one value for Alpha. 16-bits per channel, 32-bits per pixel.
  • 32-bit float (Mono+Alpha)monoalpha32float - A 2 channel format, one value for RGB and one value for Alpha. 32-bits per channel, 64-bits per pixel.

  • Input 0 -

Solarize Sx Pro

Operator Outputs

  • Output 0 -

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