Mac Bitwarden Update

Bitwarden Safari extension no longer works with the Bitwarden direct download application

Bitwarden is a free password management app. Why is Bitwarden free? The free version provides only the basic features. It generates secure passwords when you’re setting up an account, synchronizes. Bitwarden in Safari on a Mac works exactly like Bitwarden in Chrome on a PC. For that matter, the native Bitwarden program is as identical as possible across the Windows / macOS divide. But it's hundreds of things like this that caused me to stop cross developing for Mac. I hope Bitwarden can get their extension on the App Store. It's a little expensive if they don't do it already. It is on the App Store now!

Today I needed to login into a website so I opened Safari and went to open the Bitwarden extension and to my surprise, it wasn’t there. WTF!
Here is whats up: “Due to changes by Apple, Safari limits Web Extension use to only those obtained through Mac App Store downloads. As of the 2021-03-11 Release, users will not be able to use a Bitwarden Safari Extension obtained through a .dmg installation from or any other non-App Store source. ”Safari Web Extension | Bitwarden Help & Support
According to Bitwarden Support Release Notes the Safari App Extension has officially been ported to a Web Extension for use with Safari 14 . Due to changes to Safari, Web Extension use is now limited to only those obtained through Mac App Store download. Release Notes | Bitwarden Help & Support
Mac Bitwarden Install
I unistalled the download version of Bitwarden and installed the Mac App Store version and all is good. A little advance notice on this issue would have been nice.