Task management is hard.
With this simple “workflow”, life can get a little easier.
Here’s how I manage my tasks:
Enable Dark Mode. Apple started rolling out dark mode with the introduction of the macOS Sierra. And if you make a table of contents (TOC) at the top level, you can link to pages with any notebook. You have to do this manually as there are no add-ns available for OneNote in Windows 10. OneNote 2016 users have better luck with the Onetastic app. Here's a guide showing how to set up a wiki system in OneNote 2016. Microsoft OneNote has been one of our favorite note-taking apps for years, and it keeps getting better. The app is completely free to install on your Mac or Windows desktop and lets you format. Meeting Notes, Fluid, and To-Do Meanwhile, new features are coming for meeting notes, possibly leveraging information in Exchange such as who’s attending, and better meshing with Microsoft Teams. As you take notes and plan projects in OneNote, you might wonder how to manage deadlines and remember the things on your to-do list. One way is to create Outlook tasks. Then you can view and track those tasks in Outlook and even get reminders. Create an Outlook task in OneNote.
How To Use Onenote Effectively
- For every meeting, assign someone to be the meeting scribe and type out a task list in OneNote using To Do tags.
- Pro Tip: Start each task with task owner’s initials and end each task with due date.
- At end of meeting, each person goes to the shared Notebook. They then copy the text containing their tasks from OneNote onto their clipboard.
- Open To Do (on the web). Paste the tasks into the “add a task” field. This creates a new task for each line.
- Pro tip: Don’t use bullets for a clearer experience.
- Open Outlook calendar and use the “My Day” button to open the pane.
- Drag To Do tasks from your Tasks list into your calendar to plan out your day.
Here is a screenshot of where to locate the “My Day” button in Outlook calendar online:
To Do List In Onenote
Here is a video of how to copy tasks from OneNote to To Do:
This solution requires you to use:
- The Windows 10 app for OneNote
- The browser/web-based version of To Do
- The browser/web-based version of Outlook calendar
OneNote Gem now provide pragraph list sort alphabetically and sort todo tags by complete features.
1. Sort Paragraphs A to Z
2. Sort Paragraphs Z to A
3. Sort Todo Tags by Complete
1) We first chosen the paragraphs to sort.